Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear Steve:

Dear Steve:

My daughter, Janice, studied your FORMULA with you three years ago.

This month, she begins a school at the college of her dreams and I wanted you to know what role you played in helping her dream become true.

Before we contacted you, Janice was shy and as you often repeated to her, "not comfortable in her own skin."

Well, Steve, I want you to know that she is secure in herself today and a largely in part of what your teachings have meant to her.

It wasn't that she was a bad student.

Janice had decent grades and friends.

However, she worried constantly about things.

This led her off track and jeopardized the many talents she had.

Your talent in teaching her the ability to visualize and accentuate the positive in both her studies and her life, provided the foundation for an almost instant breakthrough.

Her grades shot up to A and remained there.

Janice graduated at the top of her class.

I tell others that I am shocked, but not surprised.

I qualify that comment by explaining that I knew my daughter had this gift inside her.

I just wasn't sure anyone was ever going to witness it.

Thanks to you, everyone now sees it.

Most importantly, Janice sees it.

Her writing, her vocabulary, her essays, all shine with the same radiance of someone who is going to do great things in her life.

I am sure Janice will be writing you as well.

After all, she was your student and she will express things in a far greater way than me.

However, as a parent, I couldn't let another day pass without writing you and sharing with you this amazing triumph in my only daughter's life.

To watch her mix with people she both knows and has just met, to hear her speak in front of others and engage their minds and motivate their actions, well, I must say that I am not an emotional man, but this transition has moved me to tears.

Happy tears.

Tears of joy.

You are great at what you do.

Keep teaching your powers.

This parent will never forget you.

Alberto G
Miami, Florida

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