Saturday, June 04, 2016

What do you Want to do with Your Life?

I must have pondered this question from the very first day that I realized that life wasn't going to get any better than when you could wear pajamas and plan your entire day. What do you want to do with your life? I have asked that question to millions. I found my personal answer very early in my own life and I have never looked back. I wanted to wake up every morning of my life with nothing to do but to plan my day based on what suited me. I would answer to no man or woman for that matter--but me! If I wanted to go hiking--I would hit the trail before the sun woke up. If I wanted to profile that special restaurant owner and sample their latest creation--I would lace up my Nikes and do just that. I would live each day as I desired. to say the things I truly feel and not the words of one who kneels! And when that extraordinary day was over and I could no longer even for a few more seconds keep my eyes open--I would surrender to renewal sleep and tomorrow do it all over again! That's my definition of living an extraordinary life of action and service. Would you like to partner with me and teach others to live their extraordinary life? Write me or text me and tell me that you are in. My 10 year blog with 32,000 readers is at See me live on Fox Television performing Casey at the Bat at

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