Thursday, June 30, 2016

Camp CEO Chapter 5

Lincoln skipped the golf outing even though there was a PGA champion he wanted to meet.

At lunch, Nick had started a buzz that another sports legend would be joining the CEO's and guests.

True to his word, the former manager of a world champion baseball team jumped up to the stage to a thunderous round of applause.

His message:

Set a vision and have everyone buy in!

As the manager entertained the crowd on how he and his coaches created a championship culture for his team from day one of spring training leading to the eventual winning game of the world championship, Lincoln snuck up to Nick and caught his attention.

Hey Nick! Great camp and all that. But I have a question for you. How much is my board paying you to kick me out of my family company?

Nick motioned that they take the conversation outside to not offend others. When they were both clear of the dining area, Nick spoke directly and evenly.

I have heard, Lincoln that you have not been happy since you first arrived here. If that is the case, maybe you should consider leaving.

Lincoln bristled.

You didn't answer my question.

Nick took a deep breath. He didn't like confrontations. but he didn't avoid them either.

No and I don't intend to. Question makes no sense. We are here to teach CEO's and inspire our next set of national leaders how to best manage people.

Lincoln's face was turning so red that Nick though he might have a heart attack on the spot.

Finally, he threw up his hands and practically screamed!

Rubbish! Pure rubbish!

The conversation was over!

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