Monday, June 22, 2015

Dear Rick

Rick is the comedy agent for a comedian who hosts the hottest quiz show on TV and another comic who once had the hottest sit com on TV based on looking in at the tools department of Home Depot. And one more thing about Rick. He was my next door neighbor for a dozen years and is now a millionaire out in La La land. Of course I am in La La land too, but that is hardly the point. Let's see. One of my former students is a heartbeat from running Apple Computer and might be worth a cool billion. Seems like there is plenty of money to go around. Only in America. Dear Rick: I have learned from friends and from pictures you blasted all over the damn Internet, that you have built the largest wiffle ball stadium in the country. I suppose that this is your answer to the fact that I froze you out of my wiffle ball games next door. You should know I did this for your own good. First, as I recall, you were several years younger than me and that would have led to a competitive disadvantage. Secondly, your father and then my father would have killed me because I took plenty of cash from your brother. My games were money games---Like in hustling--get it? It would have been dangerous if I took from both him and you. The last thing I recall is you giving me the finger and yelling : "I will build the biggest wiffle ball stadium in the world!" Rick, you pulled it off--I just didn't know it was going to be in Encino. Congratulations! Let me ask you something. Will you let me play--winner takes all? Steve

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