Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Memoir Continues

It has been several years since I visited Harry Helpless and the gang writing a book which has been shared by millions. And now the memoir continues----- Let's plunge ourselves into the roar of time, the whirl of accident; may pain and pleasure, success and failure, shift as they will -- it's only action that can make a man Goethe is one author above all I have modeled my life after. Thoreau might be a close second. At 27, when I bolted from a CPA firm most would have given anything to be working at, I had the temerity to politely ask to be released from my employ. Stanley, the partner in charge at the time, not so politely informed me that despite the fact that I had an unemployed wife and an infant baby at home, my decision would be not met well by the firm. They planned to contest any unemployment claim I would make. NOT A DIME---as I recall was his very words. Fortuitously for me, I wandered down the street that day, most likely in a trance and ended up in front of a little private school where I would spend the next five years of my life testing my vocabulary theories and making friends for life with a headmaster who became one of my greatest fans. And my entrepreneurship was born. What will it take for yours to be born?

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