Friday, November 02, 2012

60 Days to Previews of Baby Boomers

I will be meeting with a restaurant in downtown San Diego to see if we can do a FREE preview and get the much needed YOU TUBE film I believe will be crucial to the success of the national tour of Baby Boomers. People have asked me how I deal with the jealousy of those who resent my success and pretension on Facebook. If you are willing to shoot for your dreams in the public arena, you better be thick skinned. A few years ago, I founded the Hall of Fame at my high school in New York. I have heard a great deal of praise and significant criticism from those who questioned my motives. I tune it out. I have to. Those who let it stop them from their goals are weak and I abhor weakness. No more time wasted on that. It was suggested to me that I pick up the book 700 Sundays, the book version of the Tony award winning play written and performed by Billy Crystal. The similarities are startling. He grew up in Long Beach. I moved to Long Beach after college. His family restaurant was Wing Loo. My family restaurant was Wing Loo. He comes from Russian grandparents. I come from Russian parents. Can the Tony award be a connection as well?

1 comment:

Jackson said...

I am so glad to see this post.

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