Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Living The Law of Attraction

Those who know my story know full well my journey and my history with the Law of Attraction. Unlike motivational speakers who burst on the scene with all the answers, I have made the subject of Attraction a continuous field of study in my life. Unlike “experts” who have filmed infomercials and avoided the fact that they were barely high school graduates, I have multiple degrees and a CPA as well as solid experience in the classroom. I have been flush with cash and I have qualified for food stamps. I do not claim to have all the answers to the phenomenon of the Law of Attraction. I do claim to have lived it. “When I write, I forgot that it’s not real. I am living the story.” Stephanie Meyer, Twilight It was almost as if I were recruited to write this story. I showed flashes of writing genius in high school and college, I just didn’t see any commercial applications and allowed it to slip into and out of my life. Unlike many writers, I wasn’t possessed to write. I found I could always take it or leave it. That attitude took me nowhere. So when the visualization gods landed in New York during my 18th year and made me a hero on the ball field, I began attracting unique and positive events in a previously unexamined life. Visualization and visits from unknown places made me want to examine it all. I was never tied to living someone else’s life. I wanted to know everything about me. At 25, on the island of Martinique, I wrote down three goals I would meet by age 30. 1. I would meet and marry a beautiful woman 2. I would discover the climate of my dreams 3. I would make a million dollars By committing to those goals, I must have made a phone call to the visualization gods who had visited me back on the ball field in May, 1968. I went to work and looking back, so did they. The power of attraction began to play a major role in my life. 1. That Summer, I met a 19 year old beauty who I made my wife in 20 days (check Long Beach court documents if you like) 2. After I retired from teaching and secured my MBA, we lived in Florida, but San Diego was always on my mind 3. I wrote the book FIRE YOUR BOSS AND HIRE YOURSELF and at age 30, I was a millionaire.

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