Tuesday, April 24, 2012

40 Years of Proof!

The email started with a familiar greeting: Dear Mr. Tarde: I noticed that you are still teaching, still influencing the lives of so many, as you did my life so may years ago. Do you give tune-ups? Seriously, sir, I need help. First the good news, I am married to a great girl and have four kids (two and two). Life should be good. Life was good. Then I was transferred out West by my firm. I have grown to hate my job. I hate everything about it. I start crying on Sunday night and my wife wants me to seek professional help. Then I heard from a friend that you were still creating miracles. And so here I am. Will I ever be happy again? If I lose my wife and kids, I don’t belong on this earth. If I can’t be happy as I was years ago, why bother living? I feel so better just having written you. I hear you have helped many students get their finances in order while helping them discover the purpose in their life. Imagine! After all these years.

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