Short Capsules for Eight Classes on Memoir
Steve Tarde
1. What is Memoir?
an introduction to the world of Memoir and what our unique class will be doing over the next 8 weeks.
2. Where we Find Memoir?
Where can you go today to become a better Memoirist.
3. Why Memoir Changes Lives?
The power of Memoir and what it can do to change the world
4. Who is included in Memoir?
We all think of ME in the writing of Memoir but you will never have writer's block after this class on the characters of Memoir
5. When do we Write Memoir?
Is Memoir written at the end of life or at the beginning?
6. Advanced Memoir Readings.
Each class will include a reading from your personal memoir and mine (see GIFT FOR MY DAD (Amazon). Having your own developed Memoir is a goal of our course
7. Mentoring Memoir.
How passionate are you about Memoir? Passionate enough to share your new talents?
8. Graduation from Memoir
What have we learned? Where do we go from here?
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