Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Do you know someone ABRASIVE?

You can help a child begin to think in pictures.
My blog has always been FREE. In it, I give hints to parents, teachers and students how to think in pictures to improve performance.
You might learn that the word ABRASIVE can describe someone with a prickly, mean spirited personality.
However, when you think in pictures, you see that person and the word instantly comes to mind.
This can make the difference between having an amazing vocabulary and one without inspiration.
And it is only the beginning.
Sports, health and all things about how we live can be enhanced when we make movies in our mind and recognize that we are the producer, director and star of our own movie.
If you want to support the work I do to get this message out to kids everywhere, support my foundation at the address above or bring my work to the attention of someone you believe would like to help me share my views.
It has made a difference in the lives of so many, but you can help me reach so many more.

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